Israel Escape

Begin your Israel Escape in Tel Aviv and enjoy a welcome dinner together with your Tour Director and traveling companions. In Jaffa walk around the beautifully restored port—starting point for medieval pilgrimages to Jerusalem. Continue your guided tour of Israel through the Holy Land to Caesarea, and journey to Nazareth in Galilee to visit the Church of the Annunciation. Stop in Cana—site of Jesus’ wedding miracle turning water into wine—on your way to historical Haifa. A wealth of fascinating visits awaits you: the Baha’i Shrine; the Mount of Beatitudes, and Capernaum—all sites where the story of Jesus unfolded, the Valley of Elah where David slew Goliath, the Valley of Ayalon to hear the story of Samson and Delilah, and a serene cruise on the Sea of Galilee. You’ll also visit the birthplace of Jesus in Bethlehem.

Stay four nights in Jerusalem to discover this symbolic city. Embark on a moving excursion to Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial. Visit the Israel Museum containing the Shrine of the Book, and the Dead Sea Scrolls—the oldest biblical manuscripts in the world. Visit the Old City, the Garden Tomb, and take in the view from the Mount of Olives. See the Garden of Gethsemane, follow the Stations of the Cross along the Via Dolorosa, and visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at the site of the crucifixion. View the Temple Mount and the Dome of the Rock mosque, and visit the Western Wall, the most holy shrine in Jewish religion. Also visit the fortress of Masada—a historic site for Jewish faith. The experience of floating in the buoyant salt waters of the Dead Sea enriches the wonderful memories already collected during your inspirational Israel Escape!

City Highlights

TEL AVIVWelcome dinnerJAFFAWalk around the ancient portCAESAREAVisit the Roman Amphitheater and the Crusader fortressNAZARETHVisit the Church of the AnnunciationCANAVisit the site of the first miracleHAIFAVisit the Baha’i ShrineMOUNT OF BEATITUDESVisit the site where Jesus delivered his sermonCAPERNAUMVisit the site where Jesus recruited his followersJORDAN RIVERVisit a baptismal siteSEA OF GALILEEEnjoy [LF] a cruiseLATRUNVisit the site of David’s victory over Goliath in the Valley of Elah and the Monastery of the Trappist Monks in LatrunBETHLEHEMVisit the Church of NativityJERUSALEMVisit the Israel Museum, Yad Vashem, and Mount Zion; guided walking tour; the tomb of King David, the Upper Room, the Garden Tomb, a panoramic view from the Mount of Olives; visit the Garden of Gethsemane, follow the Stations of the Cross along the Via Dolorosa, visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Western Wall; farewell dinnerMASADARide a cable car and visit the cliff-top fortressDEAD SEAExperience the buoyancy feeling in the Dead Sea water


Full buffet breakfast daily; 4 three-course dinners with wine: including a welcome dinner in Tel Aviv, and a farewell dinner in Jerusalem


Please check visa requirements with your local consulate(s); responsibility for obtaining visas rests with the traveler.Hotels listed may occasionally be substituted with alternative hotels of equivalent standard.


Motorcoach or minibus; boat cruise, cable car. Free wi-fi available on your motorcoach and in most hotel lobbies.

Terms, conditions and restrictions apply; pricing, availability, and other details subject to change and/ or apply to US or Canadian residents. Please confirm details and booking information with your travel advisor.
Israel Escape

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